Lab 1

1. Vagrant, Docker and Miscellaneous

the lab will be as scheduled at Aula 1A

If you have Windows as Operating System, you have to install Chocolatey. It is a package manager for windows. I know that the idea of package manager is not clear but I will show you why it is awesome.

Required installations

  1. We need to install Virtual Box.
  2. Do not forget to install VM VirtualBox Extension Pack
  3. We need to install Vagrant.

Pull Vagrant Boxes for Ubuntu e Centos from Vagrant Repo

  1. Ubuntu Server 64.
  2. Centos 6.5.
  3. Debian 7.5.

Lab 2

Lab 3

7a. Key-Value Database

The lab will be as scheduled at Aula 1A

If you have Windows as Operating System, you have to install Chocolatey. It is a package manager for windows. I know that the idea of package manager is not clear but I will show you why it is awesome.

Topics: Key-Value Database, Twitter Example, Redis

Lab 4

8a,b. Column-Oriented Database

The lab will be as scheduled at Aula 1A

If you have Windows as Operating System, you have to install Chocolatey. It is a package manager for windows. I know that the idea of package manager is not clear but I will show you why it is awesome.

Topics: Column-Oriented Database, Twitter Example, HBase

Lab 5

9b. Document-Oriented Database

The lab will be as scheduled at Aula 1A

If you have Windows as Operating System, you have to install Chocolatey. It is a package manager for windows. I know that the idea of package manager is not clear but I will show you why it is awesome.

Topics: Document-Oriented Database, MongoDB

Lab 6

10b. Graph-Oriented Database

The lab will be as scheduled at Aula 1A

If you have Windows as Operating System, you have to install Chocolatey. It is a package manager for windows. I know that the idea of package manager is not clear but I will show you why it is awesome.

Topics: Graph-Oriented Database, TitanDB

Lab 7

11. Apache Spark

The lab will be as scheduled at Aula 1A

If you have Windows as Operating System, you have to install Chocolatey. It is a package manager for windows. I know that the idea of package manager is not clear but I will show you why it is awesome.

Topics:spark-shell, pyspark, HDFS, how to copy file to HDFS, spark transformations, spark actions, Spark SQL (Shark), spark streaming, streaming transformation stateless vs stateful, sliding windows, examples