the lab will be as scheduled at Aula 1A
If you have Windows as Operating System, you have to install Chocolatey. It is a package manager for windows. I know that the idea of package manager is not clear but I will show you why it is awesome.
Required installations
Pull Vagrant Boxes for Ubuntu e Centos from Vagrant Repo
the lab will be as scheduled at Aula 1A
If you have Windows as Operating System, you have to install Chocolatey. It is a package manager for windows. I know that the idea of package manager is not clear but I will show you why it is awesome.
Required installations
Pull Docker Container for Ubuntu e Centos from Docker Hub
The lab will be as scheduled at Aula 1A
If you have Windows as Operating System, you have to install Chocolatey. It is a package manager for windows. I know that the idea of package manager is not clear but I will show you why it is awesome.
Topics: Key-Value Database, Twitter Example, Redis
The lab will be as scheduled at Aula 1A
If you have Windows as Operating System, you have to install Chocolatey. It is a package manager for windows. I know that the idea of package manager is not clear but I will show you why it is awesome.
Topics: Column-Oriented Database, Twitter Example, HBase
The lab will be as scheduled at Aula 1A
If you have Windows as Operating System, you have to install Chocolatey. It is a package manager for windows. I know that the idea of package manager is not clear but I will show you why it is awesome.
Topics: Document-Oriented Database, MongoDB
The lab will be as scheduled at Aula 1A
If you have Windows as Operating System, you have to install Chocolatey. It is a package manager for windows. I know that the idea of package manager is not clear but I will show you why it is awesome.
Topics: Graph-Oriented Database, TitanDB
The lab will be as scheduled at Aula 1A
If you have Windows as Operating System, you have to install Chocolatey. It is a package manager for windows. I know that the idea of package manager is not clear but I will show you why it is awesome.
Topics:spark-shell, pyspark, HDFS, how to copy file to HDFS, spark transformations, spark actions, Spark SQL (Shark), spark streaming, streaming transformation stateless vs stateful, sliding windows, examples