import sys
if '..' not in sys.path:
import tensorflow as tf
from ultrayolo import datasets, YoloV3
from ultrayolo.helpers import draw
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np

from matplotlib import patches
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Predict using default Yolo Model

The classes contained in the dataset

classes_dict = datasets.load_classes('./coco_classes.txt', True)
target_shape = (1024, 1024, 3)
max_objects = 100
num_classes = len(classes_dict)
print(f'number of classes {num_classes}')
number of classes 80
model = YoloV3(target_shape, max_objects,
               num_classes=num_classes, score_threshold=0.3, iou_threshold=0.5, training=False)

Load the weights

load default weights from Yolo


w_path = Path('./yolov3.weights')
12814 MainThread loading checkpoint from /Users/fumarolaf/git/ultrayolo/notebooks/yolov3.weights
12816 MainThread version major 0, minor 2, revision 0, seen 32013312


we predict the objects using an image from the web. You can try with your.

Download an image

img = datasets.open_image('')
img_pad = datasets.pad_to_fixed_size(img, target_shape)
img_resized = datasets.resize(img, target_shape)
#preprocess the image
x = np.divide(img_pad, 255.)
x = np.expand_dims(x, 0)
(1, 1024, 1024, 3)

Perform the prediction

boxes, scores, classes, sel = model.predict(x)
print(f'found {sel[0]} objects')
found 12 objects

Uncomment the cells below to see what the model returns




Show the image with the discovered objects

ax = draw.show_img(img_resized, figsize=(16,10))
for i,b in enumerate(boxes[0,:sel[0]]):
    draw.rect(ax, b, color='#9cff1d')
    name_score = f'{classes_dict[classes[0, i]]} {str(round(scores[0,i],2))}'
    draw.text(ax, b[:2], name_score, sz=12)
    #print(classes_dict[classes[0, i]], scores[0,i])