ultrayolo.datasets package


ultrayolo.datasets.common module


transform the anchors into a strting


anchors {np.ndarrary} – the anchors


str – the anchors in yolo format

ultrayolo.datasets.common.best_anchors_iou(boxes, anchors)[source]



boxes {np.ndarray} – a numpy array of shape (num_examples, num_bboxes) of type (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max) anchors {np.ndarray} – a numpy array with the anchors to be used for the object detection (num_anchors, (W, H))


[np.ndarray] – a numpy array that returns the best anchors fot the given object

ultrayolo.datasets.common.get_grid_sizes(image_shape, base_grid_size)[source]

utility function that compute the sizes of the grid system


image_shape {tuple} – the shape of the image base_grid_size {int} – the size of the cell in base grid


list – a list of the grid sizes


read the anchors from a file saved in the format x1,y1, x2,y2, …, x9, y9


path {str} – the path of the file to read


numpy.ndarray – an array of tuples [(x1,y1), (x2,y2), …, (x9, y9)]

ultrayolo.datasets.common.load_classes(path, as_dict=False)[source]
it expect to read a file with one class per line sorted in the same order with respect

to the class name. example: dog cat will be codified as dog -> 0 cat -> 1 …. -> 2 The index 0 is used to represent no class


path {str} – the path where the file is saved

Keyword Arguments:

as_dict {bool} – load the classes as dictionary (idx, class) (default: {False})


list|dict – the list of the classes


generate the default masks for the model


nelems {int} – the number of elements for the mask


np.ndarray – a numpy array with the masks


Read the boxes from a file


parses bounding boxes and classes from a list of paths


paths {[list]} – a list of paths


[tuple] – a tuple (boxes, class) of shape (M,4) and (M,1)


Open an image using imageio


path {str} – the path of the image


numpy.ndarray – format (H,W,C)

ultrayolo.datasets.common.pad_batch_to_fixed_size(batch_images, target_shape, batch_boxes=None)[source]

Resize and pad images and boxes to the target shape Arguments ——– batch_images: an array of images with shape (H,W,C) target_shape: a shape of type (H,W,C) batch_boxes: an array of array with format (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)

images_aug: a list of augmented images boxes_aug: a list of augmented boxes (optional: if boxes is not None)

ultrayolo.datasets.common.pad_boxes(boxes, max_objects)[source]

Pad boxes to desired size Arguments ——– boxes: an array of boxes with shape (N, X1, Y1, X2, Y2) max_objects: the maximum number of boxes

boxes: with shape (max_objects, X1, Y1, X2, Y2)

ultrayolo.datasets.common.pad_classes(classes, max_objects)[source]



classes {[type]} – [description] max_objects {[type]} – [description]


[type] – [description]

ultrayolo.datasets.common.pad_to_fixed_size(image, target_shape, boxes=None)[source]

Resize and pad images and boxes to the target shape Arguments ——– image: an image with shape (H,W,C) target_shape: a shape of type (H,W,C) boxes: an array of format (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)

image_pad: the image padded boxes_pad: the boxes padded (optional: if boxes is not None)


Parse annotations in the form x_min,y_min,x_max,y_max x_min,y_min,x_max,y_max …


str_boxes {str} – annotations in the form x_min,y_min,x_max,y_max x_min,y_min,x_max,y_max …


numpy.ndarray – a numpy array with the boxes extracted from the input


parse a list of annotations


list_str_boxes {list} – the list of the str annotations

ultrayolo.datasets.common.prepare_batch(batch_images, batch_boxes, batch_classes, target_shape, max_objects, augmenters=None, pad=True)[source]
prepare a batch of images and boxes:
  • resize all the images to the same size

  • update the size of the boxes basing on the new image size


batch_images {numpy.ndarry} – an array of images with shape (H,W,C) batch_boxes {np.ndarray} –

an array of array with format (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)

target_shape {tuple} – a shape of type (H,W,C) max_objects {int} – the maximum number of boxes to track

Keyword Arguments:

augmenters {imgaug.augmenters} – ImgAug augmenters (default: {None}) pad {bool} – if the images should be padded (default: {True})


Tuple – a Tuple with batch_images, batch_boxes and batch_classes

ultrayolo.datasets.common.resize(image, target_shape, boxes=None, keep_aspect_ratio=True)[source]

Resize images and boxes to the target shape Arguments ——– image: an image with shape (H,W,C) target_shape: a shape of type (H,W,C) boxes: an array of format (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) keep_aspect_ratio: (default: True)

image_resized: the image resized boxes_resized: the boxes resized (optional: if boxes is not None)

ultrayolo.datasets.common.resize_batch(batch_images, target_shape, batch_boxes=None)[source]

Resize and pad images and boxes to the target shape Arguments ——– batch_images: an array of images with shape (H,W,C) target_shape: a shape of type (H,W,C) batch_boxes: an array of array with format (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, class_name)

images_aug: a list of augmented images boxes_aug: a list of augmented boxes (optional: if boxes is not None)

ultrayolo.datasets.common.save_image(img, path)[source]

save an image


img {numpy.ndarray} – an image as numpy array path {str} – the path


transform a numpy array of boxes from [x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max] –in–> [x_center, y_center, width, height]

ultrayolo.datasets.common.transform_target(boxes_data, classes_data, anchors, anchor_masks, grid_sizes, num_classes, target_shape, classes=None)[source]

transform the target data into yolo format


boxes_data {np.ndarray} – an array of shape (NBATCH, x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max) classes_data {np.ndarray} – an array of shape (NBATCH, 1) anchors {np.ndarray} – an array of shape (6 or 9, 2) anchor_masks {np.ndarray} – an array of mask to select the anchors grid_sizes {list} – the list of the grid sizes num_classes {int} – the number of classes target_shape {tuple} – thet target shape of the images

Keyword Arguments:
classes {list} – a positional list that associate id_num to pos (default: {None})

This is used in the case where a dataset of created by filtering some classes with respect to another dataset and the classes are not 0 indexed


[tuple] – a tuple with the dataset transformed for coco training

ultrayolo.datasets.datasets module

class ultrayolo.datasets.datasets.BaseDataset(annotations_path: str, img_shape: Tuple[int, int, int], max_objects: int, batch_size: int, anchors: numpy.ndarray, anchor_masks: numpy.ndarray, base_grid_size: int = 32, is_training: bool = True, augmenters: imgaug.augmenters.meta.Sequential = None, pad_to_fixed_size: bool = True, images_folder='images')[source]

Bases: tensorflow.python.keras.utils.data_utils.Sequence

class ultrayolo.datasets.datasets.CocoFormatDataset(annotations_path, img_shape, max_objects, batch_size, anchors, anchor_masks, base_grid_size: int = 32, is_training=True, augmenters=None, pad_to_fixed_size=True, images_folder='images')[source]

Bases: ultrayolo.datasets.datasets.BaseDataset

this class handles dataset into the COCO format.


“id”: int, “image_id”: int, “category_id”: int, “segmentation”: RLE or [polygon], “area”: float, “bbox”: [x,y,width,height], “iscrowd”: 0 or 1,

} categories[{ “id”: int, “name”: str, “supercategory”: str, }]


Sequence {tf.kera.utils.Sequence} – [description]

on_epoch_end() → None[source]

Method called at the end of every epoch.

class ultrayolo.datasets.datasets.YoloDatasetMultiFile(annotations_path: str, img_shape: Tuple[int, int, int], max_objects: int, batch_size: int, anchors: numpy.ndarray, anchor_masks: numpy.ndarray, base_grid_size: int = 32, is_training: bool = True, augmenters: imgaug.augmenters.meta.Sequential = None, pad_to_fixed_size: bool = True, images_folder='images')[source]

Bases: ultrayolo.datasets.datasets.BaseDataset

on_epoch_end() → None[source]

Method called at the end of every epoch.

class ultrayolo.datasets.datasets.YoloDatasetSingleFile(annotations_path: str, img_shape: Tuple[int, int, int], max_objects: int, batch_size: int, anchors: numpy.ndarray, anchor_masks: numpy.ndarray, base_grid_size: int = 32, is_training: bool = True, augmenters: imgaug.augmenters.meta.Sequential = None, pad_to_fixed_size: bool = True, images_folder='images')[source]

Bases: ultrayolo.datasets.datasets.BaseDataset

on_epoch_end() → None[source]

Method called at the end of every epoch.

ultrayolo.datasets.genanchors module

class ultrayolo.datasets.genanchors.AnchorsGenerator(num_clusters, scaling_factor, dist_fn=<function median>)[source]

Bases: object

fit(boxes, random_seed=42)[source]
iou(boxes, clusters)[source]
ultrayolo.datasets.genanchors.gen_anchors(boxes_xywh, num_clusters, scaling_factor=1.1)[source]

generate anchors


boxes_xywh {np.ndarray} – the boxes used to crreate the anchors num_clusters {int} – the number of clusters to generate

Keyword Arguments:

scaling_factor {float} – a multiplicator factor to increase thebox size (default: {1.0})


[type] – [description]

ultrayolo.datasets.genanchors.prepare_data(annotations_path, image_shape, datasetmode)[source]

read a dataset and transform it into a list of boxes


annotations_path {str} – the path image_shape {[type]} – [description] datasetmode {[type]} – [description]


[type] – [description]

ultrayolo.datasets.genanchors.save_anchors(outfilename, anchors)[source]

Module contents