ultrayolo package


ultrayolo.cli module

Console script for ultrayolo.

ultrayolo.cli.load_datasets(mode: str, image_shape: Tuple[int, int, int], max_objects: int, batch_size: int, base_grid_size: int, anchors: numpy.ndarray, train_path: str, val_path: str, augment: bool, pad_to_fixed_size: bool, **kwargs) → Tuple[ultrayolo.datasets.datasets.BaseDataset, ultrayolo.datasets.datasets.BaseDataset][source]

Load a dataset given the configurations


mode {str} – a value in singlefile, multifile, coco. Repreents the format of the dataset image_shape {Image} – the shape of the image max_objects {int} – [description] batch_size {int} – the size of the batch base_grid_size {int} – the base size of the grid anchors {np.ndarray} – the anchors train_path {str} – the path to the training annotations val_path {str} – the path to the validation annotations augment {bool} – True of False to apply data augmentations pad_to_fixed_size {bool} – True to pad the images to fixed size without distorting the image


Tuple[datasets.BaseDataset, datasets.BaseDataset] – a valid instance of the training and validation dataset

ultrayolo.cli.load_model(masks: numpy.ndarray, dataset: ultrayolo.datasets.datasets.BaseDataset, iou: float, backbone: str, **kwargs) → ultrayolo.ultrayolo.BaseModel[source]

load the model for the training


masks {np.ndarray} – the mask used dataset {datasets.BaseDataset} – the dataset used to train the model iou {float} – the value of the intersection over union backbone {str} – the backbone used for the model


[BaseModel] – an instance of the Yolo model

ultrayolo.cli.load_or_compute_anchors(mode: str, number: int, path: str, ds_mode: str, ds_train_path: str, image_shape: Tuple) → numpy.ndarray[source]

load or compute the anchors given a dataset


mode {str} – siniglefile, multifile, coco number {int} – the number of anchors path {str} – the path to the anchors ds_mode {str} – the mode of the dataset ds_train_path {str} – the path to the dataset image_shape {tuple} – the shape of the image


np.ndarray – the anchors for the algorithm

ultrayolo.cli.make_augmentations(percentage: float = 0.2) → imgaug.augmenters.meta.Sequential[source]

apply data augmentations to the dataset

Keyword Arguments:

percentage {float} – the percentage of the dataset to augment for each epoch (default: 0.2)


[iaa.Sequential] – a pipeline of transformations

ultrayolo.cli.run(dataset, model, fit, **kwargs)[source]

the main to train the algorithm


config {object} – the configurations to run the algorithm

ultrayolo.learningrates module

ultrayolo.learningrates.cyclic_learning_rate(learning_rate=0.01, max_lr=0.1, step_size=20.0, gamma=0.99994, mode='triangular')[source]

Applies cyclic learning rate (CLR). From the paper: Smith, Leslie N. “Cyclical learning rates for training neural networks.” 2017. [https://arxiv.org/pdf/1506.01186.pdf]

This method lets the learning rate cyclically

vary between reasonable boundary values achieving improved classification accuracy and often in fewer iterations.

This code varies the learning rate linearly between the

minimum (learning_rate) and the maximum (max_lr).
It returns the cyclic learning rate. It is computed as:

```python cycle = floor( 1 + global_step /

( 2 * step_size ) )

x = abs( global_step / step_size – 2 * cycle + 1 ) clr = learning_rate +

( max_lr – learning_rate ) * max( 0 , 1 - x )



Default, linearly increasing then linearly decreasing the learning rate at each cycle.


The same as the triangular policy except the learning rate difference is cut in half at the end of each cycle. This means the learning rate difference drops after each cycle.


The learning rate varies between the minimum and maximum boundaries and each boundary value declines by an exponential factor of: gamma^global_step.


ultrayolo.losses module

class ultrayolo.losses.BaseLoss(anchor_masks, ignore_iou_threshold, img_size, num_classes, name, num_batches)[source]

Bases: object

static broadcast_iou(box_1, box_2)[source]

brodcast intersection over union


box_1 {tf.tensor} – (…, (x1, y1, x2, y2)) box_2 {tf.tensor} – (N, (x1, y1, x2, y2))


tf.tensor – intersection over union

class ultrayolo.losses.FocalLoss(anchor_masks, ignore_iou_threshold, img_size, num_classes, name, num_batches)[source]

Bases: ultrayolo.losses.BaseLoss

class ultrayolo.losses.YoloLoss(anchor_masks, ignore_iou_threshold, img_size, num_classes, name, num_batches)[source]

Bases: ultrayolo.losses.BaseLoss

ultrayolo.losses.make_loss(num_classes, anchors, masks, img_size, num_batches, ignore_iou_threshold=0.5, loss_name='yolo')[source]

helper to create the losses


num_classes {int} – the number of classes anchors {np.ndarray} – the anchors used for the detection masks {np.ndarray} – the mask used to filter the anchors img_size {tuple} – the shape of the images num_batches {int} – the number of batches in the training

Keyword Arguments:

ignore_iou_threshold {float} – the value used to ignore predictions (default: {0.7}) loss_name {str} – the loss function used (default: {yolo}) (values: {yolo, focal})


[type] – [description]


process the predictions to transform from: - pred_xy, pred_wh, pred_obj, pred_class into - box_xyxy, pred_obj, pred_class, pred_xywh

y_pred {tf.tensor} – the predictions in the format

(NBATCH, x_center, y_center, width, heigth, obj, one_hot_classes)

num_classes {int} – the number of classes anchors_masks {tf.tensor} – the anchors masks


tuple – box_xyxy, pred_obj, pred_class, pred_xywh


convert the given boxes into the xy_min xy_max format Arguments:

box_xy {tf.tensor} – box_wh {tf,tensor} – grid_size {float} – the size of the grid used anchors_masks {tf.tensor} – the anchor masks


tf.tensor – the boxes

ultrayolo.ultrayolo module

class ultrayolo.ultrayolo.BaseModel(img_shape=(None, None, 3), max_objects=100, iou_threshold=0.5, score_threshold=0.5, anchors=None, num_classes=80, base_grid_size: int = 32, backbone='DarkNet', training=False)[source]

Bases: object

compile(optimizer, loss, run_eagerly, summary=True)[source]

compile the model


optimizer {tf.keras.optimizers} – a valid tensorflow optimizer loss {ultrayolo.losses.Loss} – the loss function for yolo run_eagerly {bool} – if True is uses eager mode, that is you can see more explainable stack traces

Keyword Arguments:

summary {bool} – if True print the summary of the model (default: {True})

fit(train_dataset, val_dataset, epochs, initial_epoch=0, callbacks=None, workers=1, max_queue_size=64)[source]

train the model


train_dataset {ultrayolo.datasets.Dataset} – an instance of the dataset val_dataset {ultrayolo.datasets.Dataset} – an instance of the dataset epochs {int} – the number of epochs

Keyword Arguments:

initial_epoch {int} – the inital epoch (default: {0}) callbacks {[type]} – a list of callbacks for the model (default: {None}) workers {int} – the number of workers (default: {1}) max_queue_size {int} – the max size of the queue (default: {64})


[type] – [description]

get_loss_function(num_batches, loss_name: str = 'yolo') → List[source]

utility to create the loss function

Keyword Arguments:
loss_fn {str} – a literal value for Yolo and Focal loss (default: {‘yolo’})

(values: {‘yolo’, ‘focal’})


List – [description]

get_optimizer(optimizer_name, lrate)[source]

helper to create the optimizer using the class defined members


optimizer_name {str} – the name of the optimizer to use: (values: adam, rmsprop, sgd) lrate {float} – a valid starting value for the learning rate


Exception: raise an exception if the optimizer is not supported


tensorflow.keras.optimizer – an instance of the selected optimizer

  • saved checkpoints in h5 format

  • saved weights in darknet format


path {str} – the path where the weights are saved backbone {str} – the name of the backbone used

save(path, save_format='h5')[source]

save the model to the given path


path {str|pathlib.Path} – the path to save the checkpoint


unfreeze the backbone and freeze the first num_layers_to_train layers


num_layers_to_train {[type]} – [description]


unfreeze all the net read for a full training


freeze the backbone of the network, check that the head and output layers are unfreezed


return the tensorflow model summary

class ultrayolo.ultrayolo.YoloV3(img_shape=(None, None, 3), max_objects=100, iou_threshold=0.5, score_threshold=0.5, anchors=None, num_classes=80, base_grid_size: int = 32, backbone='DarkNet', training=False)[source]

Bases: ultrayolo.ultrayolo.BaseModel

default_anchors = array([[ 10., 13.], [ 16., 30.], [ 33., 23.], [ 30., 61.], [ 62., 45.], [ 59., 119.], [116., 90.], [156., 198.], [373., 326.]], dtype=float32)
default_masks = array([[6, 7, 8], [3, 4, 5], [0, 1, 2]])
class ultrayolo.ultrayolo.YoloV3Tiny(img_shape=(None, None, 3), max_objects=100, iou_threshold=0.7, score_threshold=0.7, anchors=None, num_classes=80, base_grid_size: int = 32, backbone='DarknetTiny', training=False)[source]

Bases: ultrayolo.ultrayolo.BaseModel

default_anchors = array([[ 10., 14.], [ 23., 27.], [ 37., 58.], [ 81., 82.], [135., 169.], [344., 319.]], dtype=float32)
default_masks = array([[3, 4, 5], [0, 1, 2]])

an implementation of non max suppression


outputs {tf.tensor} – the outputs of the yolo branches anchors {np.ndarray} – the anchors scaled in [0,1] masks {np.ndarray} – the list of the anchors to use classes {list} – the list of classes iou_threshold {float} – the minimum intersection over union threshold score_threshold {float} – the minimum confidence score to use max_boxes_per_image {int} – the number of maximum boxes to show img_size {int} – the size of the image


(boxes, scores, classes, valid_detections) – a tuple of the results

Module contents

Top-level package for ultrayolo.